Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Where do we draw the line

Obviously nothing will stop the cultural progressives until the very last trace of the word "no" has been transmorgified into "if you want to" (but only if what you want to do agrees with what they want you to do.)

1 comment:

  1. Incredible. I was reading the comments to that article and was quite interested to see the range of comments from one who saw the deed as immoral and sinful to others who felt that all women should be sterilized so that over-population problems are solved and the non-human takes over. There seems to no longer be a standard of right and wrong!

    The problem, in my opinion, is not whether or not government should be involved in making decisions involving morality. It is the state of the human heart being in submission to our Creator God or not. A heart that is not in submission has no center and is constantly in flux as to what is right for anyone.

    It reminds me so much of cultures and societies that shed any modicum of a moral foundation and essentially ruined their own nation. Praise God that His laws are just and true for all time and though man is imperfect, a perfect God will restore order. The decision lies with us as to whether or not it is a painful restoration, or a compliant restoration.

    And once the restoration happens... oh what bliss of living in the blessing of God's order!
