Wednesday, November 5, 2008

The sad state of our churches

A lot has been made in the "blog-o-sphere" wondering why McCain didn't talk about Jeremiah Wright and the Black Liberation Theology at the church that Obama attended for 20 years.

The simple answer is this: People don't listen to their pastors.

It's really that simple. People don't listen the the things their pastors say, so the idea that Obama would, even could, be influenced by such an insignificant person in his life as a pastor, well that, my friends, is inconceivable.

Why don't people listen to their pastors?

Lots of reasons. They don't like what he says. They don't actually attend very often because they don't like what he says. They don't read the bible. At all. And the television sucked their brain out. So the "media" does all their thinking for them.

1 comment:

  1. I listen to my pastor!!! But I know what you mean. And you may very well be right.
