Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Keeping Our Focus

This is a crazy intense time right now. The elections are approaching and much is at stake. Nationally we face the election of a man whose history and words leave little doubt as to his murderous intent towards the most innocent, most vulnerable among us, the unborn. As California goes, so goes the nation. As such, the soul of the nation hangs in the balance here in California with Proposition 8 deciding if marriage should be redefined or maintained as between a man and a woman.

My family finds itself already targeted twice for having "Yes on 8" signs on our front lawn. The signs being vandalized once and a thwarted theft a second time (I caught them in the act). We are caught up in the midst of the campaign, eyes wide open, completely aware of what is at stake.

We spend our days canvassing neighborhoods and attending rallys, doing what we can to support the righteous definition of marriage. We spend our evenings discussing it and praying about it. More than once we have stayed up long past our bed time discussing the insanity of the national and state-wide situation.

It is critical that we remain focused. There are only 7 days left. Tomorrow is the last Wednesday before the election. We cannot lose focus. We must keep our eyes on the goal. With how I am spending my time (and money) you might be surprised to find out that I am not talking about the election. I am talking about keeping our eyes focused on the throne and Him who sits on it.

The Lamb has been slain. He died for McCain. He died for Obama. He died for every homosexual, married or otherwise. In the throne room, the angels still cry Holy and the elders still bow down and worship. They are unmoved by the "crisis" that we are facing in our nation.

Don't misunderstand me, I am not saying that we should stop working to see righteousness established here on earth. I am saying that we should not lose sight of reality. And the reality is what is happening in the Throne Room of Heaven.

The reality is that if McCain is elected and Prop 8 passes and the Republicans control the legislature we will still need Jesus more than ever. We would still be sinners, lost without Him.

So, as the election appoaches, don't lose focus of reality.

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